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Awaken the Giant Within
by Tony Robbins


An oldie, from 1991, and a goodie. Tony Robbins is one of the best people who can help you create a great life. He shares 3 lessons in this book: 1) Break old bad habits by linking them to pain and create new ones by linking them to pleasure. 2) Train your mind  to deal with challenges in a positive way by choosing your words. 3) Everyone has their own set of rules (ie. about friendships, about feeling valued) and you have to let other people know what those rules are so you can be happier.



Codependent No More

by Melodie Beattie


Some of you have grown up, or lived with, a person who has/had a substance abuse issue. You focused on the other person's problems more than you focused on yourself, your needs and your own happiness. This book is super helpful in explaining how to identify and fix old codependent relationship patterns and create a new healthy lifestyle.


Conversations with God Books 1-3

by Neale Donald Walsch 


These books are written as a dialogue between Mr. Walsch and God/the All Knowing/the Universe... whatever you want to call ‘it’. If you want to know about the meaning of life, our purpose on Earth, how to feel happy...all the big questions, then these books are for you. Powerful.



Get Out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me & Cheryl to the Mall

by Anthony E. Wolf, Ph.D.


Understanding is power and understanding how the adolescent mind works is a gift. This book, which will make you laugh, will really help you communicate, understand and get along better with your adolescent. A must read.




I’d Listen to My Parents if They Would Just Shut Up

by Anthony E. Wolf, Ph.D.


Same as the above comments…Understanding how adolescents are trying to grow up and separate from their parents at this stage...remember this too shall pass.



Mind In The Making

by Ellen Galinsky


This important book talks about the science of early learning and the 7 essential life skills that children need to be taught. If you are the parent of an older child, you can still teach these skills: Focus and Self Control, Perspective Taking, Communicating, Making Connections, Critical Thinking, Taking on Challenges, Self-Directed and Engaged Learning.


Parenting Children With ADHD

by Vincent J. Monastra, Ph.D


Learn about some really effective ways to help your child get things accomplished (think school work and chores) with a reward system. Learn about nutrition, medication and parental behavior management techniques. This book is easy to read and Dr. Monastra shares his vast experience. 

The Power of Intention

by Dr. Wayne Dyer 


Dr, Dyer teaches you about the power of intention, and how when it is aligned with the universe your life flows. “You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.” Dr. Dyer writes about the 7 things that connect you to the universe: creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansiveness, abundance and receptivity.


Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World

by H. Stephen Glenn & Jame Nelson, Ed.D


One of the best parenting books out there. Give children opportunities to be capable, and they will learn to be capabable. Children need to feel that they are a needed member of the family. Having responsibility builds self respect and self-image.This book isn’t about being lenient or strict but about feeling accountable for one’s own behavior. Think character building.


The Road Less Traveled

by M. Scott Peck


The more you know about how to navigate life, the happier you’ll be. Many people read this book multiple times. It's kind of a classic guide to waking up and understanding why life is the way it is and how you can surf it. It’s a really helpful, well written book that will help you make sense of many of the issues in your life.


Your Soul’s Plan

by R. Schwartz


OK, this one may be a bit out there for some people, but it’s a very important book for those who are interested in their soul's journey. Mr. Schwartz explains how your soul chooses its purpose in this life time and how past and future lives impact that decision. He writes about soul attraction, accidents, mental health issues and how we choose our families.



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